For many fans ofSuperstore, the best moments were those that happened in the store's breakroom. The employees usually gathered there to take a break and chat. Sometimes those conversations revolved around serious things, while at other times they were about random topics.

One of the best things about breakroom conversations was how they had a tendency to spiral out of control. The conversation would start out about something serious at times and end up as a discussion of something completely unrelated, and in most cases ridiculous. These moments were some of the funniest on the show and well-loved by theSuperstorefandom.

10 Defining The Non-Relationship

In season 2, episode 17, "Mateo's Last Day," Jeff gave Garrett and Dina some disclosure forms from corporate to fill in about their relationship. While filling them in, they hit a snag when they had to pick one option for the nature of their relationship.

The options spouse, family member, and romantic didn't fit so they went to the breakroom and enlisted their coworkers to help define their relationship. The suggestions provided on the board ranged from funny to downright weird, like "Cloud69ing" and "Pound Pals." The scene was one of many in the show where serious issues were lightened up by humor.

9 The Baby Oprah Discussion

Following a robbery incident where Dina tackled and stopped a thief while Jonah stood by, Jeff advised everyone not to do what Dina did. Offended, Dina asked if she wasn't supposed to do anything if it was a baby being stolen.

From there, the conversation got derailed as the others chimed in with hypothetical situations that argued the morality of letting a baby being stolen if the child Oprah or if Beyonce was the one stealing the baby. Apart from the conversation taking a tangent from the serious issue of what to do during a robbery, the ridiculousness of the hypothetical conversation was impossible not to laugh at.

8 Mermaids, Unicorns, & Bigfoot

While preparing for a mermaid-themed treasure hunt for Harmonica in the breakroom in season 3's "Angels and Mermaids," Amy showed Cheyenne an adorable miniature of mermaid treasure. Jonah chimed in asking whether it would make more sense for mermaid treasure to be something they didn't have, like human garbage. Marcus then said, in that case, he wished he was a mermaid and Kelly, (who was Jonah's girlfriend at the time), pointed out that he would be a merman.

The conversation then jumped to a discussion on how mermaids became extinct, then to theories about evolution, new species of frogs, unicorns, angels, and even Bigfoot. In typicalSuperstore breakroom fashion, a conversation about decorations for a party morphed into a wild discussion about mythical creatures.

7 Magazine Profile

In the second episode of season 1, Glenn walked into the breakroom to tell everyone that their store was being interviewed by the official Cloud 9 magazine. All the employees were in the breakroom and in the middle of different conversations, so they didn't hear him when he tried to get their attention.

Dina helped him out by banging on a desk and the murmur in the room slowly went silent. But just as the noise died down, Garrett, who was on the phone said, "I would definitely kill a wolf." The strange line left viewers wondering what the conversation was even about but it was typical of the random spiraling conversations the group had in the breakroom. In fact, it was just the tip of the iceberg as the employees made more hilarious comments the employees made, both related and unrelated to the magazine profile issue.

6 Fart Ingredients

During one of Jeff's visits to the store in season 3 episode 8, "Viral Video," he addressed the employees about an ex-employee, who was fired for posting a video of himself farting into coffee cups. Before he could finish, they started discussing why anyone would think that was something worth doing and posting a video about.

The conversation diverted to the composition of farts, leading to a very strange voice search for fart ingredients and things just went downhill from there. Instead of taking the lecture on employee conduct seriously, the entertaining staff turned it into a nonsensical, yet amusing fart inquiry.

5 Lottery Wins

In season 3 episode 19, "Lottery," the Cloud 9 family discussed what they'd do if they won the lottery. Their wishes ranged from taking Thursdays off, going on solo road trips around the world, and buying islands. Unlike the others who would made funny wishes, Sandra's wish was more selfless as she said she would donate her winnings to her favorite charity.

Once everyone heard how thoughtful and beautiful her wish was, it got awkward and silent, before everyone backtracked to say they would probably donate too or help people in need. But, it was pretty obvious being selfless was the last thing they would be and they were only saying these to save face, making for an awkwardly funny conversation.

4 Health Fund

Sometimes the best intentions end in disaster, like in season 3 episode 6, "Health Fund,"  when Jonah came up with an idea to fund health care for employees of the store. While Amy initially dismissed it, the others all chipped in. After realizing that the health fund wasn't sustainable, they tried to dismantle it and give everyone their money back but the others refused, so they headed to the breakroom to figure out how to fix it.

After throwing some ideas around, they came up with a bunch of Health Plan tiers, some of which were named after Harry Potter houses and Game of Thrones clan names. Although Amy and Jonah were two of the more serious employees, it was impossible to take them seriously once they started talking about the benefits of a Targaryen health plan.

3 Mateo's Last Day

Due to his relationship with Jeff, Mateo had to transfer to a different Cloud 9 store in season 2. As part of his farewell to his co-workers, he prepared a video of himself talking about his time at the store and how he had impacted it.

The other employees' reactions to the over-the-top, memorial-like nature of the video were hilarious. Mateo thought it would be a teary affair, but true to his nature of taking things too far, he exaggerated things in his video, resulting in several jokes at his expense.

2 Pet Names

In "Seasonal Help," while Glenn was welcoming temporary workers in the breakroom, Amy's husband—Adam—got up to do a speech despite her protests. After Adam mentioned his pet name for her out loud, her co-workers chimed in with questions and funny suggestions on its meaning.

The conversation was one of many incidents when Amy tried and failed to keep her personal life out of the workplace. Much to her embarrassment, she became the main topic of discussion and the subject of many jokes, both in the breakroom and beyond.

1 Black Friday

During the "Black Friday" episode of season 2, all the employees of the store caught a stomach bug. Coupled with the exhaustion of the pressure from Black Friday sales, they were ready to give up and call it quits for the day. In the middle of arguing over which food made them sick, Jonah tried to motivate everyone not to give up. Glenn calmly told him to stop talking and threw in some curse words for good measure.

As a person who always kind and polite, this was so out of character for him. Based on the sheer number of bleeps that censored these curse words, it was clear he really let loose. Between that and Garrett's motivational, funny, yet touching speech, even though he was notorious for wanting to bail on work, this was a breakroom scene worth remembering.

NEXT: Superstore: The Funniest Characters, Ranked

Next 10 Best Performances By Leading Actors, According to Reddit

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